
DeSano Studio is located in the Deacon Taylor House of the Providence Art Club
9 Thomas Street Providence, RI 02903

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New England Woodland

Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 30 x 15
Contact: desanostudio@cox.net

I have been experiencing some very rewarding studio time during the past several weeks and am excited about keeping up the momentum.

This painting of my New England hiking experience has inspired me to launch a series of work focusing on our very early spring landscape. As I paint, I recreate in my mind what all my senses were observing during my time recently spent in the woods. The scent of thaw and dankness. The clacking of rigid boughs hitting against each other in a gale reminiscent of a brief time ago, when temperatures were lesser, and snow covered the land. All this I pour out onto my canvas. Can you feel the chill? Can you hear the battering of the branches? Trust me, in a month or so you'll be begging for this experience. Please check back soon for more of my New England Early Spring landscapes - www.desanostudio.blogspot.com.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello, I love this "New England Woodland" painting!!!!!
    Love ya tons, Damian
