
DeSano Studio is located in the Deacon Taylor House of the Providence Art Club
9 Thomas Street Providence, RI 02903

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Medium: Oil on Panel
Size: 8x6
Price: SOLD
Contact: desanostudio@cox.net

I think this might be the beginning of a pepper series. My friend Kyle who happens to be a pepper connoisseur has turned me onto some of the hottest and most unusual peppers in the world. He is sought after by many local restaurants for his pepper expertise and recipes. He has started his indoor vegetable garden which includes pepper plants from India, Thailand and Mexico so by June I'll be painting some of Kyle's homegrown varieties.


  1. "He is sought after by many local restaurants for his pepper expertise and recipes."

    Hahah :) Very nice! And I really like that painting!
